Best Native Plants for D/FW
The Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) just published a great list of native plants that are ideal for our climate in their article "What are the best native plants for novices?" In fact, we often use these plants in our customers’ yards as well as ours!
Here’s a snapshot of our favorite Natives
Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii)
I have this one! A deciduous shrub that will dazzle you with in a variety of colors! Salvia greggii blooms for most of the growing season and it attracts hummingbirds. It is great fun to see these little birds zipping from one flower to another. The hummingbirds love the tall, coral-colored Turks Cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii) that I have just outside my office door under my mature Red Oak Tree.
Four-Nerve Daisies (Tetraneuris scaposa)
These daisies are in my front yard on the west side, where they get lots of sun and bloom for most of the year. Being evergreen and smaller than most perennials, they’re an excellent selection for the front of your flower beds. While their yellow flowers are not big and showy, they’re always there doing their job and looking great.
Texas Lantana (Tetraneuris scaposais)
This is one of the Texas workhorses of many yards and commercial landscapes. It too has a long bloom time, very low water needs, and puts on quite a colorful show. Lantana can display different sizes and colors, depending on the variety. Purple trailing Lantana is stunning in pots. I recently added Lantana to my yard, to add some vibrant color to the yard.
Gregg’s Mistflower (Conoclinium greggii)
Butterflies and our clients love this one. It’s available with white or lavender blooms and tolerates partial shade, and stunning in the North Texas falls during the Monarch migration. Covered with butterflies, it never fails to put a smile on my face.
Both Karen and I are proud members of the Native Plant Society of Texas, and are certified by them in Native Plant Landscaping and Maintenance. The mission of this great organization is “to promote research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example.” We highly recommend that you check out your local chapter in whichever state you live.